Phnom Oudong Tourist Resort

Another thought for a leisure resort is Phnom Oudong. On Friday, we call our siblings in advance to inform them that we plan to go to Phnom Oudong for a relaxation on Sunday for a change. At last, we all agreed to go. We already had trips to Kien Svay and Palm Village Resorts. Now this weekend: Phnom Oudong !!!!

We get together this Sunday morning for a breakfast somewhere in Phnom Penh. After more than one hour enjoying breakfast, we leave for the destination. We drive carefully on the way and we tell each other to be safe with 100% attention while driving.

Well, we take National Road 5, the way to Battambang Province. After a few minutes, here we are at kilometer 37, we can see on the left side the large billboard of Phnom Oudong Resort, then we turn left, taking a local road about 3.5 kilometers.

Phnom Oudong (Oudong Mountain) is located between Phsar Dek and Phnom Bat Communes of Ponhea Leu District. Phnom Oudong has 3 names: Phnom Oudong, Phnom Preah Reach Trop and Phnom Athareus. It is about 40.5 kilometers northwest of Phnom Penh. A mountain topped with the spires of stupas rears from the plain like a fairytale castle. This is Phnom Oudong, at one time an ancient capital. As the capital, it was called Oudong Meanchey; From 1618 until 1866 it was home to a succession of kings, deposed from the former capital of Longvek. 

At the foot of the mountain, there are lines of concession stands of a variety of food, vegetables, fruits and so on, and at the very base of the mountain there are many picnic huts. On weekends, hoards of people descend on the area from Phnom Penh to eat roast chicken, fish and palm fruit in the cool of the thick forest. 

We are going to park our cars and find 2 good picnic huts to rent and stay for the day. After the selection of the huts, some of us stay and some go shopping for our lunch. A lot of people going shopping, walking to and fro to find good food. Smell of barbecue chickens, fish… Oh smell tasty !!!


After our delicious lunch around 13pm, we take a good rest, chatting with family happily. Sometimes there are young children sellers bringing some stuff to us to sell. The children told us that they sell these items during weekend to help their parents.

Today, Oudong remains a sacred place where the construction of a huge stupa has been built to store and conserve the relic of Preah Serei Roek Theat (Ash of the Buddha).


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