Hopeless and homeless life

Individual life is not the same, so is the life of each family. Some are born in rich family, some in the poor. However, they have never blamed parents about their own destiny, for they have to undergo their way they live, namely this family composes of 5 members including Mrs. Sok Vuth, her daughter, son-in-law and 2 grand-daughters.  Our working team went down to the field to interview them, following the introduction made by the commune council.

Mrs. Sok Vuth told us that our lives have been totally supported by her only son-in-law’s fishing business. Asked why you and your daughter do not make any business in order to assist the family, she said: “we have no capital for business investment, and if making business we do not know how to do it, because we do not have any skill. It is noticed that this family has no home, now living under the house of their neighbor who let them stay temporarily in the tide season.s”.


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