This miserable family needing help

This family with 7 members, handicapped husband, wife and 5 children live from hand to mouth. This thatched cottage was built on the land of the neighbor who is compassionate for the poor. If this family is able to find a piece of land for their own house, it will be asked to leave here. However, how can they afford for the plot of land if they cannot even find proper food for their children. The eldest son is sent to the pagoda for religious recitation, 2 children are enrolled in school and the last 2 staying at home. It is to inform our readers that this family lives in Barong Commune, Lvea Em district, Kandal province, Cambodia
They have only a fishing-net and have to hire a boat at $10 per month to fish. Unfortunately, this year fish is scarce because almost the whole commune make their fishing businesses too.
When the water is rising or flooded, they have to move up to find place for safety. Their difficulties are tied up terribly. They asked our working team to help build the roof and the walls. We were happy to help, but we cannot vouch for it. We have thought that if we built the roof and the walls, but still they have to leave when it is flooded. Our recommendation to charity is that the house should be lifted up over the water level in tide season.
In this regard, our working group would like to appeal to all charity around the country and all over the world to share your penny for charity to this poor family, so that their children can overcome disadvantaged situation.


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