The wolf and the house dog

One cool evening, the wind was blowing slowly which can bring all the light things to fly through the air; there was a thin wolf that was nearly fly too because of the lack of food. He had no food to eat as he had lived far away from the village. Then he had decided to move nearer to the village in other to find more food, but he still found nothing because the dogs in the village always kept their eye on him. One day, as wolf was finding the food, he saw a friendly dog sitting quietly and watching him and he would have eaten the dog a while ago, but the dog was too strong to him. After he had realized that he could not eat the dog, so he left the dog alone. That made the dog felt curious about it and asked the wolf some question; the wolf had told all the truth about his life to the dog. Then the dog decided to give the wolf some advice; he told the wolf to follow someone home,   bark the beggars or strange people and take care of the house, so in return he will be given a lot of food and he will be loved and caressed all the time. At first the wolf seen to be interested and strange because he had suffered his life to find this kind of happiness for years, but latter he noticed something on the dog neck; it was a chain. Suddenly, he felt so nervous and ran away as far as he could and he thought he would die in the forest rather than live in a prison as the dog.         


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